DOMAYO FARMING – SODECAO: An exemplary Partner

At the heart of the forest of Elog-Batindi in the Ocean Division is stretched out huge farms of DOMAYO FARMING SARL Company. That farming business expands up to 4000 ha with 900 ha occupied by oil palm trees and 2000 ha for cocoa. More, for a long term project, they plan to rent 10.000 ha for cocoa. To implement this, the promoters have decided to turn to SODECAO for their technical assistance to have quality cocoa planting. In 2015 the basis of the collaboration was set. SODECAO has to put in place conditions of creating a modern farm of 200 ha, an agreement was signed between the two sides. This draft agreement specifies the kind of collaboration, the obligations of SODECAO and those of DOMAYO FARMING SARL. After three years of collaboration the SODECAO General Manager invited the promoter Mr SILIENOU Samuel to evaluate and ameliorate together the partnership between the two institutions. They then found the strong and the weak points of the agreement and have agreed to redefine all during the next meeting.
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