Cocoa is an emblematic and strategic crop for Cameroon.
More than 600,000 households depend directly on cocoa for their livelihood. Cocoa therefore constitutes the main source of income for the rural masses in the main production basins : Centre, South, East and South-West.
The Cocoa Development Corporation “SODECAO”, the secular arm of the State for cocoa development, was created by decree no. 074/83 of February 02, 1974. Its main mission is to develop the cocoa industry, through support services such as the production and distribution of plant materials, orchard protection, soil fertilization, agricultural advice, structuring of small producers and opening up of production basins.
SODECAO is under the technical supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development “MINADER” and the financial supervision of the Ministry of Finance “MINFI”.
SODECAO has 3 seed fields in the Centre, South and East regions, covering a surface area of 90 ha, where it produces seed pods which in turn are used for the production of quality certified cocoa seedlings in 103 nurseries spread across 5 regions of the country
In association with cocoa, SODECAO also produces banana plants from stem fragments “PIF”
The main services offered to producers are the creation of turnkey cocoa plantations, technical assistance, the opening of farm tracks and the parcelling out of agricultural areas.
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