NGBA Zacharie
Board chair

Born on October 08, 1953 in Andom-Bertoua, in the East Region, Mr. NGBA Zacharie who retired as Senior Treasury Inspector, graduated from the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) inYaounde. He holds a Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in Modern Letters, a DEA in Contemporary Literature, and a Doctorate/PHD in Modern French Literature. He has a wealth of experience in the Cameroonian Public Administration, as illustrated by his professional career and the positions of responsibility, notably: at the Ministry of Finance as Authorized Officer and Verifier Inspector at the Yaounde Treasury ; at the Higher State Control Services as State Inspector; at the Ministry of Higher Education as Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs at the Yaounde I University; at the Prime Minister's Office as Chargé de Mission; and at the Ministry of Social Affairs as Secretary General.
General Manager

Born on September 04, 1957 in Enongal-Ebolowa, South Region. He is married and father of several children. He is a senior most qualified Civil Administrator, a graduate of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) in Yaounde; he holds a Bachelor's degree in Public Law and a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Yaounde II. He has extensive professional experience. He was successively: Head of the Mail Service at the Ministry of Trade and Industry; Head of the Administrative and Financial Department at CENEEMA; Assistant Research Officer, then Deputy Director of Budget and Personnel at the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications; Director of General Affairs at the Prime Minister's Office; Technical Advisor at the Prime Minister's Office; Secretary General at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, from 2007 to 2017.
DEPUTY General Manager

Was born on September 21, 1970 in Buea. He is married and father of several children. He is an Agricultural Engineer, holder of a diploma from the National Institute of Rural Development (MINADER), Dschang. He is also a holder of a Master’s Degree in Crop Protection obtained from the University of Buea. He has occupied several positions of responsibility in MINADER, both at the level of Central and External Services. Without listing all of them, he has been: Divisional Delegate of Agriculture and Rural Development for Libialem; Sub-Regional Delegate for Agriculture and Rural Development at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER); Regional Delegate in the South West; Regional Delegation of Agriculture and Rural Development, South West; Inspector N°1 and Inspector n°2 in charge of Agriculture Development and also Technical Adviser n°1, MINADER.

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