Producers support activities
- How to obtain seedlings from SODECAO ?
La SODECAO met à la disposition des producteurs :
- Les plants de cacaoyers sélectionnés ;

- Les plants de bananiers (PIF) ;

- Shade tree seedlings

How to obtain the seedlings
- Register with the SODECAO representative in your localitie (operational unit Head, SODECAO centre Head, SODECAO sector Head or SODECAO section Head).

- Respect or follow the technical itineraries advised by SODECAO through its representative for the creation or rehabilitation of a cocoa farm.

- After preparing the plot under the technical supervision of SODECAO, purchase cocoa seedlings at a subsidized price of 50 FCFA each, and shade trees at a price, ranging between100 FCFA and 1,500 FCFA.

- Contact SODECAO for payment details.
How to create a cocoa farm ?
SODECAO provides technical support to farmers in setting up plantations. To this effect , contact the operational unit Heads (SODECAO: Centre Head, Sector Head, Section Head) for technical support.

How to care for a cocoa plantation ?
02 case studies :
- A young plantation (before production)

- A production plantation

In either case, contact the SODECAO supervisors for agricultural advice.
How to produce high-grade cocoa for the market( good quality cocoa for the market)
SODECAO advises farmers to respect good post-harvest practices such as :
- Fermentation(06 days)
- Solar dryer

- Storage
N.B : See post-harvest structures
- Cascade fermentation box
- Simple fermentation box

- Fementation case row
- Bus dryers
- Type of warehouse
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