SODECAO is a state operator whose main mission is to support the development of the cocoa sector. As such, it produces and makes available to producers a number of agricultural services
- Production and distribution of plant material

Plant material is produced and distributed in two ways: seedlings and seed pods.
- Agricultural advisory services

This service enables farmers to build their technical capacity in good agricultural practices at every stage of their projects: identification and choice of a site for creation, preparation of the site, planting, tending the plantation, pests control, cocoa harvesting and preparation, cocoa processing.
- Creation of turnkey plantations

SODECAO offers a dedicated service to producers who do not have the time to recruit labour and supervise the creation work. Once the site is available and approved by SODECAO, it takes care of all the creation and initial maintenance work. In addition to setting up the site, SODECAO can support the producer in recruiting and training the workforce, designing plantation management tools and monitoring performance.
- Design, manufacture and distribution of small agricultural equipment
To make work physically easier for producers, SODECAO designs, manufactures and provides them with agricultural equipment : pod-breakers, fermentation boxes, dryers, storage warehouses, irrigation kits, etc.

- Organising producers within cooperatives

In Cameroon, cocoa production is mainly done by small producers. The number of small producers is estimated at 600,000.
Upstream, we have few well-structured input suppliers within an association. Downstream, producers sell their cocoa beans to exporters who are also few in number. Under these conditions, the bargaining power of small producer is very weak. In order to enable them improve on their barganing power, SODECAO encourages them to organize themselves under cooperatives. These organisations then provide
value-added services to their members (group purchase of inputs, group sale of cocoa beans, group loan negotiation, etc.).
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