Support equipement and logistics by admin · August 27, 2020 Manufacture of post-harvest equipment (Triple box Fermentation, Dryers, pod breaker etc.)Trailer manufacturing (offered to municipalities, CIGs, cooperatives)Manufacture of water and diesel tanks (for municipalities, CIGs, cooperatives) Previous Next Vocational Training and Refresher courses Training and refresher courses for machine and heavy equipment operatorsTraining in General Mechanics, Construction, Welding, Joinery,...Practical training in favour of students from school's, which do not have the required technical facilities. Previous Next Detailed Descriptions Machinery : D6D, D7G Bulldozer (dozer)950G Loader Excavato140H Levelling machinePF300 Pneumatic CompactorCS 663 CA Vibrating Roller CompactorVB7 L manual ball compactor Heavy-duty Trucks ACTROSKERAXMERCEDES 1017UNIMOG From the MECHANICAL MANUFACTURING WORKSHOP Turning operationThreading operation (screw)Grinding operation (brake disc, cylinder head,..)Resurfacing operationNut chamfering operationElectrical arc weldingOxyacetylene welding From the CARPENTRY WORKSHOP Planing operationSanding operationSurface planing operationSawing operation (cutting)Moulding-decoration operation
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