Promotion of Bilingualism at SODECAO

by admin · November 20, 2023
It was in a "good-natured" atmosphere that the General Manager of SODECAO launched the activities of the English Club, on Wednesday 15 November 2023, in the SODECAO meeting room. Accompanied by his close collaborators, he explained the purpose of the club to the massively present SODECAO staff. The club is part of the efforts made by General Management to equip the staff with regards to the practise bilingualism at SODECAO. Based on Sections 2 and 5 of the Law N°o 2019/019 of 24 December 2019 on the Promotion Of Official Languages In Cameroon, he recalled that the official languages of Cameroon (English and French) are of equal value. He added that the use of both languages in public administrations and organizations is prescribed by the Constitution of Cameroon. SODECAO therefore has to respect the law and the regulations on the promotion of bilingualism, which is why this club was created.Those present took part in the day's exercise, which involved communicating in English, starting with the General Manager himself. It is a new dawn at SODECAO; may these efforts bear the expected fruits.
The Cocoa Development Corporation « SODECAO » a Public Administrative Establishment....
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