29 trained staff received their certificates at a ceremony presided over by the General Manager of SODECAO.
This Friday, February 2, 2024, the General Manager of SODECAO presided over a ceremony during which end-of-course certificates were handed to staff of the DPAA (Directorate in charge of Tracks and Agricultural Development). It should be recalled that on December 12, 2023, His Excellency Gabriel MBAIROBEMinister of Agriculture and Rural Development, presided over the handing-over ceremony of machinery and trucks to SODECAO as part of the Three-Year Emergency Plan to Accelerate Economic Growth (PLANUT). SODECAO received for this purpose: five (05) trucks equipped with tankers, skips and mobile workshops; and four (04) civil engineering equipment composed of a bulldozer, an excavator, a backhoe and a concrete mixer.
During the ceremony, the General Manager of SODECAO promised that the trucks and equipment would be used wisely and responsibly to implement activities within the framework of SODECAO's Strategic Plan. It is in line with this promise that the GM authorized the training of some DPAA staff to facilitate the handling of these machines, whose advanced technology requires qualified, competent and multi-skilled personnel, capable of maneuvering them

The 10-day training course is the result of an agreement between SODECAO and its partner SANY AFRICAM HEAVY INDUSTRY MACHINERY CO. LTD. the objective of which was for the capacity building of SODECAO's drivers and mechanics, to equip them with what it takes to drive and repair these machines, which will strengthen and revitalise SODECAO's logistics system and enable it to resume one of its main missions: the opening and maintenance of cocoa roads. This will undoubtedly benefit producers, one of whose major challenges is access to their farms, access often made difficult due to the bad nature of roads. It is also important to note that this endowment will significantly contribute in achieving the government's objective of producing 640,000 tonnes of cocoa by 2030, if it is used responsibly as recommended by the General Manager of SODECAO.
The trainer, Mr TANDJA Norbert, reassured the GM that the training was a great success because the trainees were well equipped and showed proof of a good mastery and can now handle these machines. He added that his support does not stop after the training, as he remains available and open to any solicitations from SODECAO when necessary.
The 29 trainees (drivers and mechanics) received their certificates from the GM, who congratulated them and urged them to manage the vehicles in a responsible manner. Indeed, the tree is known by its fruits. Let’s wait and see!
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